Rizky Kusyon

A Journey into Crypto: Exploring Technical Analysis and Market Insights

Published onMay 13, 2024
1Minutes Read
Hello everyone, today I want to share my experience and what got me interested in the crypto market. One of the things that fascinates me about the market is technical analysis. It allows you to be cautious and predict correction points or potential price levels. Technical analysis is quite helpful for me to forecast prices so that when I buy or sell, it's at a suitable market quality. I use technical analysis for both short-term and long-term trading. Short-term trading requires more detailed analysis because it's riskier due to fast market movements.
I got interested in technical analysis when I came across posts on Twitter. One figure that caught my attention was AVS or Altvesting, also known as Prof. Kalimasada. It's clear from him that he's an experienced trader who's been in the market for a long time. Other figures like @suliantoip, @analisaCrypto, @berino, and others also provide a lot of beneficial technical analysis for me to learn from.
I was also active on Twitter some time ago, sharing my learning outcomes through technical analysis. However, I've been less active on Twitter recently because I'm more engaged in private groups like Suli's. Maybe I'll try to be more active on Twitter again in the future to share my technical analysis findings.